Available in Brazilian Portuguese at: https://www.academia.edu/41024425/Nem_t%C3%A3o_longe_nem_t%C3%A3o_perto_-_uma_etnofotografia_de_Mar%C3%ADlia_S%C3%A3o_Paulo

Photographs: https://www.behance.net/gallery/91704471/Nem-tao-longe-nem-tao-perto


This research, conducted as part of the requirements for obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences from the São Paulo State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Marília campus, investigated urban mobility in Marília, in the Central-West region of São Paulo. It highlighted the lack of urban infrastructure in the municipality, despite existing legislation, considering political, socio-cultural, urbanistic, and geographical aspects.

A multidisciplinary bibliographic survey, ethnophotography, and questionnaires were used to map and analyze the challenges faced by public transportation users, based on the Benjaminian conception of understanding history against the grain.

It was observed that the inefficiency of public transportation results from the lack of enforcement of municipal laws, topographic conditions, and urban design, concluding that creative solutions are necessary to ensure the right to the city.

Tools and Technologies

  • Research Methods and Techniques: Ethnophotography, Participant Observation, Drifts, and Survey

  • Text Editing: Microsoft Word

  • Spreadsheet and Graphics: Microsoft Excel and Action Portal

  • Image Editing: RawTherapee


Etnofotografia; Mobilidade urbana; Transporte coletivo; Marília.