
The “Poetry Podcast Production and Promotion Workshop” was a free and entirely online initiative, promoted with the support of the Aldir Blanc Law – Alcides Mesquita Award - 2020 Edition, from the Municipal Government of Santos and the Federal Government. Its aim was to teach participants to produce high-quality podcasts with limited resources, covering everything from script creation to promotion. Participants had the opportunity to create an episode for the Mars Podcast, focused on the works of poets and artists from Santos, and received a certificate upon completion. The workshop originally had 20 spots planned, but due to the high number of applications, two classes were offered, each with 28 spots, held in February 2021.


Research, Production, Instruction, Sound Editing, and Design:
Brenno Brandalise Demarchi (Project Proponent)

Project Advisory:
Ademir Demarchi

Communication Advisory:
Graziela Simões Santana

Pedagogical Consulting:
Jackson Francisco da Conceição Müller

Pedagogical Mediation:
Wesley Vaz Oliveira

Graphic Design:
Aparecida Larissa

Tools and Technologies

Self-Management Methodologies: Meetings, voting and consensus, task assignment, meeting minutes production, and time tracking table.

Project Management: Trello and WhatsApp.

Text Editing: Google Docs.

Image Editing: Adobe Photoshop.

Presentation Design: Microsoft Office Power Point and Canva.

Audio Editing (during the Workshop): Audacity, Reaper, and Adobe Audition.
Audio Editing (Post-Production): Reaper

Press Releases

Available in Brazilian Portuguese at: https://www.atribuna.com.br/variedades/programe-se/oficina-santista-de-podcasts-de-poesia-encerra-inscricoes-neste-domingo

Available in Brazilian Portuguese at: https://www.jornaldaorla.com.br/noticias/46841-oficina-de-podcast-santista-ensina-a-produzir-programas-com-qualidade-poucos-recursos/