DEMARCHI, Brenno B.; OLIVEIRA, Wesley V. Reinventing the city: thoughts about the hip hop movement and its political insurgencies [“Reinventar a cidade: reflexões sobre o movimento Hip Hop e suas insurgências políticas”]. Sociologias Plurais, v. 10, n. 1, p. 32-50, jan. 2024. ISSN: 2316-9249. Available in Brazilian Portuguese at:; DOI: For more info click here.
RIAL, Carmen S. M.; TORRES, Natalia P.; ROSABAL, Damaris R.; RODRIGUEZ, Cristhian C.; BRANDALISE DEMARCHI, Brenno; ALMEIDA, Caroline S.; ROCHA, Carla P. V. The remote present: screen ethnography and other research and teaching methodologies of the Visual Anthropology Center [“O presente remoto: etnografia de tela e outras metodologias de pesquisa e ensino do Núcleo de Antropologia Visual (NAVI/UFSC)”]. In: RIAL, Carmen S. M.; ECKER, Cornelia; LANDA, Mariano B. (Orgs.). Research and teaching in audiovisual anthropology in Latin America: ethnographic experiences in the hybrid times of in-person and remote [“Pesquisa e ensino em antropologia audiovisual na América Latina: experiências etnográficas nos tempos híbridos do presencial e do remoto”]. ISBN: 978-65-87289-27-4. Brasília: ABA Publicações, 2023. Available in Brazilian Portuguese at:; DOI: 10.48006/978-65-87289-27-4.
DEMARCHI, Brenno B. Cybernetic and infrastructural reflections on the plurality of water. In: “XIV Brazilian Mercosur Anthropology Meeting” [“XIV Reunião Brasileira de Antropologia do Mercosul”], Niterói, 2023. Available in Brazilian Portuguese at: 1
DEMARCHI, Brenno B. Anthropological reflections on the plurality of water and its infrastructures. Advisor: Dr. Viviane Vedana. 2023. 200p. Master Thesis (Master Degree in Social Anthropology) - Postgraduate Program in Social Anthropology, Center for Philosophy and Human Sciences, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, 2023. Available in Brazilian Portuguese at: For more info click here.
Bertho, Renan Moretti, Alexsânder Nakaóka Elias, Brenno Brandalise Demarchi, Anna Flávia Guimarães Hartmann, Arthur Silva Barbosa, Luiz Henrique Campos Pereira, e Noelle Rodrigues Ventura. 2021. Listening to the Headphones, Hearing the City: Towards and Audio-visual Representation of the Local Musicking / [“Um Ouvido No Fone E O Outro Na Cidade: Por Uma representação Audiovisual Do Musicar Local”]. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Magazine of the University of São Paulo [“GIS - Gesto, Imagem E Som - Revista De Antropologia”], 6 (1). São Paulo, Brazil:e-176158. Available in Brazilian Portuguese and English at:; DOI: For more info click here.
DEMARCHI, Brenno B. Not so far, not so close: an ethnophotography of Marília, São Paulo. Advisor: Dr. Christina de Rezende Rubim. 2018. 99p. Undergraduate Thesis (Bachelor Degree in Social Sciences) - Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences, São Paulo State University “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”, Marília, 2018. Available in Brazilian Portuguese at: For more info click here.
You can access the other papers of “Work Group 03: Water and Energy in Anthropology: on uses, socio-technical arrangements and intersections between knowledge and power” in the following link: ↩