
The workshop aimed to provide participants with a general introduction to podcast production processes, through discussions about this media, areas of operation, content development, and its creative use as a means to share diverse knowledge and practices with minimal technological knowledge or resources.


There were three meetings, each lasting up to 2 hours. The first part was informative, while the second was dedicated to reviewing practical exercises for the next meeting and allowing participants to ask questions and discuss their proposals. As an assessment method, a conversation was proposed to gather expectations and final considerations about participation in the workshop.

Workshop Syllabus

1st Day:

  • Participant introductions;
  • Discussion on the creative industry, hybrid cultures, and blurring boundaries;
  • Debate on the context of podcast production in Brazil: history and possibilities;
  • Presentation of possible podcast formats with existing examples;
  • Visual and auditory elements of a podcast (cover art, description, music, sound effects, etc.);
  • Exercise to develop the identity of your podcast (theme, duration, cover image, episode image, sound identity).

2nd Day:

  • Discussion about the exercise from the 1st meeting;
  • Continuing the debate on the context of podcast production in Brazil;
  • Types of scripts or agendas with examples;
  • Research techniques and script writing;
  • Preparations for recording;
  • Audio formats and properties;
  • Types of recording equipment;
  • Recording accessories;
  • Exercise to develop research, script/agenda, and record your episode.

3rd Day:

  • Discussion about the exercise from the 2nd meeting;
  • Audio editing techniques: mixing and mastering;
  • Searching and downloading the mentioned audio elements in the script (music, sound effects, interview excerpts, etc.);
  • Creating the project, inserting files, and assembling the sequence;
  • Mixing audio tracks;
  • Mastering and rendering/exporting the audio;
  • Publishing the episode;
  • Exercise to edit and publish your episode.


Research, Production, Instruction, Sound Editing, and Design:
Brenno Brandalise Demarchi (Project Proponent)

Research and Pedagogical Mediation:
Wesley Vaz Oliveira

Coordination and Pedagogical Mediation:
Jackson Francisco da Conceição Müller

Tools and Technologies

Text Editing: Etherpad (Rise Up) and LibreOffice Writer
Presentation Design: Microsoft PowerPoint
Image Editing: Adobe Photoshop
Audio Editing: Tenacity, Cockos Reaper, and Adobe Audition
Project Management: Trello


Press Releases

Publication drafted and disseminated by the event committee

Page on the event website with further information about the workshop in Brazilian Portuguese