A Historical Overview of Composting Practices
The lecture “A Historical Overview of Composting Practices” was held during the VI Course on Gardening and Composting, organized by Composta & Cultiva in partnership with EcoFábrica Criativa – Zona Noroeste, in Santos-SP, on January 29, 2025.
In it, I presented my doctoral research, addressing the initial proposal for the chapters of the thesis and exploring composting practices adopted by Western and non-Western peoples mapped so far. Subsequently, I shared my experience at the VIII Community Waste Management Course by the Centro de Estudos e Promoção da Agricultura de Grupo [Center for Studies and Promotion of Group Agriculture] (Cepagro), illustrating it with photos and providing comments on the composting projects visited in Florianópolis (Santa Catarina, Brazil), as well as other initiatives shared by participants from different regions of Brazil.
How to Create a Digital Garden with Your Ideas in Obsidian (Call for Proposals 9th Edition of Experimenta - Department of Arts and Culture at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil)
The workshop “How to Create a Digital Garden with Your Ideas in Obsidian” was selected in the call for proposals for the “9th Edition of Experimenta” by the Secretariat of Culture, Arts, and Sports of UFSC (SeCArtE/UFSC) and aimed to provide participants with an introduction to the possibilities of using the Obsidian software for creating portfolios, artistic practices, RPG campaigns, cartographies, or even academic research.
Participants in the workshop were able to interconnect different concepts, ideas, and categories by spatializing them into nodes within a network (network or graph maps), using the tool for creating portfolios, artistic practices, RPG campaigns, cartographies, or academic research. The digital gardens created during the workshop can be published online for free and further cultivated by those who created/conceived them.
More information click here.
Obsidian: Managing Knowledge and Cultivating Digital Gardens (Module 2)
The workshop “Obsidian: Managing Knowledge and Cultivating Digital Gardens (Module 2)”, aimed at students of the Graduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Pós-Arq/UFSC), sought to train participants in the use of advanced techniques for personal knowledge management and the creation of digital gardens in Obsidian, utilizing plugins, automations, and integrations that expand the software’s functionalities, turning it into a powerful tool for organization, creativity, and productivity in diverse contexts.
In this module, we covered the use of Toggl Track (time tracking), Mind Map (mind maps), %Waypoint% (summaries), Excalidraw (diagrams and flowcharts), %Templater% (advanced automations and templates), Obsidian Copilot (AI integration into the vault), Dataview (advanced tables), Zotero Integration and BetterBibTex (integrating notes from Zotero), Pandoc Reference List (creating reference lists), File Info Panel (word count and page estimation), and finally, the Export Settings plugin (exporting markdown files to DOCX or ODT).
A recorded video class with the theme “How to produce and edit your podcast” (supported with Brazilian public funds from the “ProAc Expresso Direto nº39/2021” notice)
In the video class “How to Produce and Edit Your Podcast”, I aimed to explain all the stages - from pre to post-production - for those who wish to produce their podcast with quality and without needing many resources. It serves as a counterpart for the prize given by the Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy of the State Government of São Paulo through “ProAc Expresso Direto n.º 39/2021”, to professionals in the creative cultural sector.
For more info click here.
Workshop on Production and Distribution of Poetry Podcasts (supported with Brazilian public funding from the “Lei Aldir Blanc - Prêmio Alcides Mesquita 2020”notice)
The workshop on “Production and Distribution of Poetry Podcasts” was held with the financial support of the “Aldir Blanc Law – Alcides Mesquita Award 2020”, a Brazilian public notice to provide public funds for cultural projects through a selection made by an examining board managed by the Municipality of Santos and the Federal Government.
For more info click here.
Podcast Workshop: from idea to independent production
“Podcast Workshop: from idea to independent production” took place at the IV Visual Anthropology Meeting of the Amazon America (EAVAAM), from November 18th to 20th, 2020.
For more info click here.