Documentary short resulting from the 7th NUPEPA/ImaRgens Workshop, at the University of São Paulo (Usp), in partnership with ICNOVA, at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, held between June 23rd and July 23rd, 2020.
After the production and distribution of this documentary, we published an article in “GIS – Gesto, Imagem e Som – Anthropology Magazine of the University of São Paulo”, about the experience of participating in this project, bringing some reflections and contributions to the discussion around soundscapes (soundscapes) and from Musicar Local.
Making deliveries via apps is part of the reality of many Brazilians, including Brazilians who live in foreign countries. The film, in turn, addresses the lives of Brazilian riders who live in Dublin. In informal conversations with these delivery drivers, they tell the interviewer how music, podcasts and the sounds of the city both soothe and make their day-to-day work viable.
Catalog Information
Filmed color: color
Origin: Brazil
Year of production: 2020
Genre: documentary
Duration: 8min16s
Rating: free
Production and Direction
Alexsânder Nakaóka Elias
Anna Flávia Guimarães Hartmann
Arthur Silva Barbosa
Brenno Brandalise Demarchi
Luiz Henrique Campos Pereira
Noelle Rodrigues Ventura
Renan Moretti Bertho
Henrique Nascimento
Rodrigo Scapin – Didi
Victor Brasil
Tools and Technolgies
Audio Editing: Cockos Reaper
3rd Audiovisual Festival and Exhibition by NUPEPA/ImaRgens, ICNOVA, and LAPS
Shown on November 12, 2020, during the 3rd Audiovisual Festival and Exhibition of NUPEPA/ImaRgens – ICNOVA/LAPS, carried out by the Audiovisual Production and Research Center (Nupepa/ImaRgens/Usp-Brasil) and the Social Research Laboratory (LAPS/ICNOVA-Lisbon).
For mor information about this evento, click on the following link:
1st Latin American Ethnographic Film Exhibition at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
Exhibited on October 6, 2020, during the XVIII Anthropology Week “Doing audiovisual in contemporary times”, held by the Postgraduate Program in Social Anthropology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (PPGAS/UFRN).
To watch the broadcast of the table talk with the film’s directors, click on the following link (in Portuguese only):
For more info about the event, check the following link:¬icia=143592805
Press Releases