Anthropologist, Cultural Producer and Multimedia Artist. Currently enrolling a Ph.D. in Social Anthropology in the Federal University of Santa Catarina. I also hold a Master’s degree in Social Anthropology from the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Bachelor’s degrees in Social Sciences from São Paulo State University (Unesp - Marília, São Paulo, Brazil), both in Social Sciences and in Teaching. Technical degree in Informatics from Aristóteles Ferreira Technical School (ETEC-AF - Santos, São Paulo, Brazil). |
Idioma | Nível | CEFR |
Portuguese | Native | - |
English | Fluent | C2 |
Spanish | Advanced | B2 |
French | Intermediate | B1-B2 |
Russian | Beginner | A0-A1 |
Mar./2023 - Dec./2026* | PhD in Social Anthropology
Santa Catarina Federal University (UFSC), Florianópolis-SC, Brazil Advisor: Dr. Viviane Vedana
Mar./2020 - Feb./2023 | Master in Social Anthropology
Santa Catarina Federal University (UFSC), Florianópolis-SC, Brazil Advisor: Dr. Viviane Vedana Examination Board: Dr. Letícia Cesarino (UFSC) and Dr. Cornelia Eckert (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul) Master Thesis Title: “Reflexões antropológicas sobre a pluralidade da água e suas infraestruturas”. For more information click here.
Feb./2015 - Dec./2019 | Teaching License degree in Social Sciences
São Paulo State University “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”, Marília, São Paulo, Brazil. Mandatory Teaching Internship: Brazilian State Center for Youth and Adult Education (CEEJA) - Professor Sebastiana Ulian Pessine, Marília, São Paulo, Brazil (2019).
Feb./2015 - Dec./2018 | Bachelor in Social Sciences
São Paulo State University “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (Unesp), Marília, São Paulo, Brazil. Advisor: Dr. Christina de Rezende Rubim Examination Board: Dr. Antonio Mendes da Costa Braga (Unesp) and Dr. Cornelia Eckert (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul) Bachelor Monograph Title: “Nem tão longe, nem tão perto: uma etnofotografia da mobilidade urbana de Marília, São Paulo”. For more information click here.
Feb./2013 - July/2014 | Technical Course in Informatics
São Paulo State Technical School “Aristóteles Ferreira”, Santos, São Paulo, Brazil Final Project: GESTCOM - Business Management Software for Food Establishments. For more information click here.
Professional Experience
2024 | Teaching Internship, at PhD level, in the course “Anthropological Theory II” (French Sociological School), under the supervision of PhD Prof. Caetano Sordi, in the Bachelor’s degree course in Anthropology at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil.
2023-2026** | Scholarship holder of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, as a PhD student in the Postgraduate Program in Social Anthropology at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC).
2021 | Coordinator of the Working Group entitled “Musical Processes, Culture and Society” [“Processos Musicais, Cultura e Sociedade”] at the academic event “VI Student Seminar of the Graduate Program in Sociology at the Federal University of Minas Gerais” [“VI Seminário Discente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais”], with registration number 204338 in the Extension Information System (SIEX) Federal University of Minas Gerais.
2021 | Teaching Internship, at Master’s level, in the course “Elective Tutorship IV - Anthropology and Sound”, under the supervision of PhD Prof. Viviane Vedana, in the Bachelor’s degree course in Anthropology at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil.
2021 | Collaboration in the planning, organization, facilitation and teaching of the “Special Edition of the Audiovisual Workshop”, carried out by the partnership between the Audiovisual Research and Production Center (NUPEPA/ImaRgens/USP), the Communication Institute of the New University of Lisbon (ICNOVA/FCSH/NOVA) and the USP Social Research Laboratory (LAPS/FFLCH/USP).
2020-2022 | Scholarship from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel Foundation - CAPES, as a Master’s student in the Postgraduate Program in Social Anthropology at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC).
2019-2021 | Podcast from Mars [“Podcast de Marte”] : a narrative podcast to critically reflect on our society. Production, script, host and editing: Brenno Brandalise Demarchi. Available in Brazilian Portuguese at: For more information click here.
2019 | Teaching Internship in the course “Introduction to Anthropology”, Teaching Internship selected through a recruitment and selection process, in the course “Introduction to Anthropology”, given in the 1st year of the Social Sciences undergraduation course, at the Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences of the São Paulo State University - Brazil, supervised by Dr. Antonio Mendes da Costa Braga.
2010-2011 | Scholarship holder at the Pão de Açúcar Institute Orchestra - Modality: Violist (Viola).
Awards and Recognitions
ProAc Direct Express [“ProAc Expresso Direto”] - 2021 Edition
In the video class “How to Produce and Edit Your Podcast”, I aimed to explain all the stages - from pre to post-production - for those who wish to produce their podcast with quality and without needing many resources. It serves as a counterpart for the prize given by the Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy of the State Government of São Paulo through “ProAc Expresso Direto n.º 39/2021”, to professionals in the creative cultural sector. For more info click here or check the educational initiatives section.
Aldir Blanc Law – Alcides Mesquita Award - 2020 Edition
The “Poetry Podcast Production and Promotion Workshop” was a free and entirely online initiative, promoted with the support of the Aldir Blanc Law – Alcides Mesquita Award, from the Municipal Government of Santos and the Federal Government. Its aim was to teach participants to produce high-quality podcasts with limited resources, covering everything from script creation to promotion. Participants had the opportunity to create an episode for the Mars Podcast, focused on the works of poets and artists from Santos, and received a certificate upon completion. The workshop originally had 20 spots planned, but due to the high number of applications, two classes were offered, each with 28 spots, held in February 2021. For more info click here or check the educational initiatives section.
Study and Research Groups
2020 - At the moment | Audiovisual Research and Production Center Research Group [“Núcleo de Pesquisa e Produção Audiovisual - Nupepa/ImaRgens”]
This research group aims to encourage the use and production of audiovisual material, as teaching and research tools, with a special focus on the areas of social sciences and history. The execution of this activity and its potential audience include not only teachers, researchers and undergraduate and postgraduate students at USP, but also social actors normally treated as “research objects”, as well as teachers and students at secondary and primary levels. Excerpt extracted and translated in the following link, where there is more information about the history of activities in Brazilian Portuguese:
2020 - At the moment | Image, Photography and Cinema Study Group [“Grupo de Estudos de Imagem, Fotografia e Cinema - GEI”]
Coordinated by Prof. Dr. Paulo Eduardo Teixeira and Prof. Dr. Maria Leandra Bizello, related to the Department of Political and Economic Sciences of São Paulo State University (Marília- São Paulo, Brazil) and registered in CNPq database:
2018 - At the moment | Genetic Epistemology and Education Study and Research Group [“Grupo de Estudo e Pesquisa em Epistemologia Genética e Educação - GEPEGE”]
Coordinated by Profs. Drs. Adrian Oscar Dongo Montoya and Ricardo Pereira Tassinari. The is linked to the Department of Educational Psychology (Unesp-FFC, Marília-SP) and registered in CNPq database:
2020 - 2021 | Research Group CUAL - Urban Commons in Latin America
Coordinated by Profs. Drs. Maria Carolina Maziviero and Marina Toneli Siqueira. The group is affiliated with the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) but collaborates with other universities such as the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), the University of São Paulo (USP), the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCAR/Sorocaba), São Judas Tadeu University (USJT), the Mackenzie School of Architecture and Urbanism, among others. The group is registered in the CNPq directory: More information can also be found at the following link:
Continuing Education and Professional Training
- Social Sciences
- Cultural Production, Arts and Audiovisual
- Project Management
- Computer and Information Science and Technologies
Social Sciences
”Clean Water” Extension Program [“Extensão Universitária em Água Limpa”]
Singularities Institute [“Instituto Singularidades”]
Workload: 25h
Guided Reading Course: “Ecology, commons and anthropocene”
Postgraduate Program in Social Anthropology at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (under the supervision of professor Dr. Viviane Vedana)
Workload: 60h
Murray Bookchin’s Social Ecology
Institute of Anarchist Theory and History [“Instituto de Teoria e História Anarquista (ITHA)”] Workload: 4h
University Extension Course on Self-management, Cooperatives, and Solidarity Economy
Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp)
Workload: 30h
Agrarian Question and Food Sovereignty
Federal University of Agreste de Pernambuco (UFAPE) [“Universidade Federal do Agreste de Pernambuco (UFAPE)”] Workload: 15h
Biographical Narrative Interviews: Conduct and Analysis
Brazilian Society of Sociology; Federal University of Santa Catarina Workload: 3h
Cultural Production, Arts and Audiovisual
Screenplay Workshop
Rio Grande do Sul State Cinema Institute [“Instituto Estadual de Cinema (Iecine)”] Workload: 30h
Project Preparation Workshop for International Markets for Cinema
Rio Grande do Sul State Cinema Institute [“Instituto Estadual de Cinema (Iecine)”] Workload: 30h
Designing Cultural Projects Proposals
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Workload: 30h
Adobe Premiere Pro - Editing, Mixing, Colorization and Animation
AvMakers - Audiovisual School Workload: 134h
Professional Photographic Treatment with Adobe Softwares
AvMakers - Audiovisual School Workload: 58h
Direction of Photography
AvMakers - Audiovisual School Workload: 114h
Professional Photography
AvMakers - Audiovisual School Workload: 114h
Musical Processes: Concept, Composition and Finalization
AvMakers - Audiovisual School Workload: 28h
Cinema - Language, Planning and Direction
AvMakers - Audiovisual School Workload: 60h
The Pleasure of Producing Audiovisual with Marcelo Torres
IluMinas Artes Workload: 8h
7th Edition of the Audiovisual Workshop
ImaRgens (a Research Group linked to the São Paulo State University) and the Communication Institute of the NOVA University of Lisbon
Capstone Project: production of the documentary entitled “One Ear on the Phone and the Other in the City”
Workload: 60h
Financial Execution and Accountability Regarding Audiovisual Projects
National School of Public Administration [“Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (Enap)”] Workload: 30h
Design of audiovisual projects and sources of financing
National School of Public Administration [“Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (Enap)”] Workload: 20h
Photographic Narrative Course
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul Workload: 6h
Photography Workshop
Tutorial Education Program of Social Sciences undergraduate course at São Paulo State University Workload: 12h
University Extension Program in Cinema and Social Thought [“Extensão universitária em Cinema e Pensamento Social”]
São Paulo State University (Marília, São Paulo, Brazil) Workload: 4h
Music and Orchestra Educational Program (Viola)
Pão de Açúcar Institute (IPA) Workload: 176h
Project Management
PRINCE2 - Another way to manage projects in public administration
National School of Public Administration [“Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (Enap)”] Workload: Xh
Agile Management for Digital Transformation
National School of Public Administration [“Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (Enap)”] Workload: 175h
Management Program (Part II)
National School of Public Administration [“Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (Enap)”] Workload: 100h
Design Thinking Applied to Management
Federal University of São Paulo [“Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Unifesp)”] Workload: 10h
Strategy Management with BSC - Fundamentals
National School of Public Administration [“Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (Enap)”] Workload: 20h
Introduction to Process Management
National School of Public Administration [“Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (Enap)”] Workload: 20h
Introduction to Project Management
National School of Public Administration [“Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (Enap)”] Workload: 20h
User research: how to listen to citizens and companies to improve your services
National School of Public Administration [“Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (Enap)”] Workload: 20h
Computer and Information Science and Technologies
Free technologies: memories, narratives and black technologies
Procomum Institute
Workload: 15h
Workshop “Big Data, Information and the Dynamics of Opinion Formation: a study”
São Paulo State University Workload: 3h
Microcomputer Maintance
National Commercial Apprenticeship Service (Santos, São Paulo, Brazil)[“Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial - SENAC”] Workload: 40h