GESTCOM - Commercial Management was a software developed between February and June 2014 as part of the criteria for obtaining the title of Middle Level Technician in Computer Science (with emphasis on programming) at the State Technical School Aristótteles Ferreira - Santos, SP, Brazil.
In this project, I was responsible for project management, interface design, and user experience (UI/UX Design), as well as reviewing the thesis text.
Assist in the management of emporiums and other commercial establishments in organizing orders placed by customers, calculating estimated delivery time and route alternatives, general mapping of deliveries made, inventory control, generating charts to identify the customers who consume the most, the best-selling products, so that the establishment manager does not lose more customers due to unrecorded orders or those delivered with missing products.
- Brenno Brandalise Demarchi
- Jefferson Boris Guardia
- Mateus Vilione Braz Lima
- Sidney Ferreira Coutinho
Tools and Technologies
Programming: C# (using Microsoft Visual Studio)
Database: SQL (using MySQL)
Office Suite: Microsoft Office
Image Editing: Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
Slide Design: Prezi
Nowadays the gastronomical area is growing a lot and drives many businesses in Brazil, mainly in Santos Region where the offer for this sector is large. This Kind of businesses tends to grow even more in Santos, for being a tourist town, giving more opportunity to new entrepreneurs to start a new business in this area. Grocery Stores are a traditional format of bakeries that has been passed for significant alterations resulting on a new way in the sector of retail and a new model consumer. Grocery stores activities go beyond the fabrication and selling breads, now they have services like order and delivery, restaurant, grocer’s, among others. Many researches prove that excellence on the treatment it is an important point to gain the costumer and when we executed the fieldwork we realize that is missing skilled laborers in the market, sometimes it cost too much money to train a new employee, consequently the company ends up hurting themselves by individual errors, resulting on the waste of confidence of the customer. Sometimes people make mistakes, but sometimes these mistakes can be minimized with a technology of a system, which can replace great part of human work. With all information collected on our researches, it should be noted that the technology of our system will be very useful in the delivery area of a grocery store promoting a tool that will help the daily tasks of an employee. This project has as a primary objective the developing of software that helps the management of the delivery area of a grocery store seeking to optimize and speed up all the processes involved.
Keywords: Delivery system, grocery store, customers.
Client order exported to CSV
Splash Screen
Home Screen
Database Modelling
Slides Presentation