Available in Brazilian Portuguese at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3ezYRKeA84
Institutional video produced for the project “Inclusive – Community Networks for Virtual Learning Environments” during the 2nd edition of the “Emergency Laboratory – COVID–19 – Reconfiguring the Future”, an initiative by Silo – Art e Rural Latitude in partnership with other institutions , collectives and laboratories, between June 15th and 21st, 2020.
The “Inclusive” project aims to develop an autonomous network system for sharing teaching materials in text, audio and video and popularize this methodology for application in communities with a lack of connectivity resources and in situations of social isolation.
An instructional booklet was also created on the concept and implementation of the system. A low-cost solution was developed to implement a local media server, where content can be inserted and made available to the local community through a wireless network, accessible by cell phone or computer. The network is managed by the community itself, its entire structure is based on free software and works independently of Internet access.
Project Proponents:
- Aluizio Barbosa de Oliveira Neto – Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
- Rodrigo Borges – Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
- Andrey Borges Bernardes
- Aparecida Torrecillas
- Bernardo Baião
- Brenno Brandalise Demarchi
- Cristiano Tavares
- Mariana Almeida Zani (Mediation)
Tools and Technologies
- Audio Editing: Tenacity
- Video Editing: Kdenlive
Press Release
Available in Brazilian Portuguese at: https://labdeemergencia.silo.org.br/2ed/pt/imprensa/inclusive/