
The workshop “How to Create a Digital Garden with Your Ideas in Obsidian” was selected in the call for proposals for the “9th Edition of Experimenta” by the Secretariat of Culture, Arts, and Sports of UFSC (SeCArtE/UFSC) and aimed to provide participants with an introduction to the possibilities of using the Obsidian software for creating portfolios, artistic practices, RPG campaigns, cartographies, or even academic research.

Methodology Approach

The workshop was held over 3 hours, alternating between an expositional approach to the Obsidian software and a more practical approach, assisting participants with their individual questions and needs in using the tool.

Workshop Syllabus

The workshop focuses on teaching the process of creating a digital garden and making it easier to use, connected to note-taking and summarizing practices using Obsidian. A digital garden is a network of interconnected thoughts and ideas, grouped according to how notes and summaries are related.

As a non-linear and non-hierarchical organizational system, the digital garden offers an alternative to conventional methods of archiving, researching, and visualizing various types of information. It can be used for creating portfolios, artistic practices, RPG campaigns, mappings, or even academic research.

Participants will be able to connect different concepts, ideas, and categories by spatializing them as nodes on a mesh (network maps or graphs). The digital gardens created in the workshop can be published online for free and later cultivated by the creators.


Production and Facilitation:
Brenno Brandalise Demarchi (Proponent)

Kauê Marques Romão

Tools and Technologies

Text Editing: Obsidian and Google Docs
Presentation Design: Microsoft PowerPoint
Image Editing: Adobe Photoshop

Disponível em:

Event schedule: https://sites.google.com/view/experimenta-2024/programa%C3%A7%C3%A3o/ufsc-florian%C3%B3polis/2609-quinta-feira

Event Registration: https://inscricoes.ufsc.br/jardim-digital-obsidian-participantes (event registration closed)

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Event Schedule

About the event
